Update 2023

There is a wide religious diversity in Iran, but like other Middle Eastern countries, a large population in Iran is Muslim. Although it seems that Ramadan greatly impacts society, the reality is something else. read more…

Update 2019

Iran will no longer stamp the passports of the visiting tourists to ease the tourists’ concerns about visiting Iran because of United States sanctions. read more…

Update 2019

The Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) is an international document that covers the temporary admission of motor vehicles.
Foreign passengers, tourists, or Iranians residing abroad are able to import their own motor vehicles for traveling to Iran for 3 months that is extendable. read more…

July 16th, 2019

On July 16, the Iranian government has approved the visa-free policy for Chinese travelers visiting Iran.
Chinese tourists will no longer need to obtain visas and they allow staying in Iran without a visa up to 21 days from the date of entry. read more…

July 5th, 2019

UNESCO has registered Iran’s Hyrcanian forests to its list of World Heritage Sites on July 5 in Baku, where the World Heritage Committee met. This is Iran’s second natural site registered as World Heritage natural attraction. read more…

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